The Power Apps grid control is a new and improved version for the data grid control for Power Platform model-driven applications. It introduces a modern data grid user experience and a range of noteworthy features, including the ability to perform inline editing and seamless infinite scrolling of the grid records, amongst others.
Simply implement the Power Apps grid control component on your applications data grids (table views or form subgrids) to unlock up its capabilities.
Configure a Power Apps grid control
Power Apps grid control
Moreover, as a developer, one of the most appealing aspects of the new grid control is the ability to customize the look and feel of the grid columns using specialized PCF (PowerApps Component Framework) controls known as Cell Renderers.
Although, like my fellow MVP Diana Birkelback explained in her great post on the subject, the current architecture of cell renderers lacks the ability to inject parameters to the control (like you can do with a normal PCF control) to make them more generic and reusable.
In this post I will show how I was able to attain a certain degree of genericity by making the cell renderer aware of their root table (entity) and how to obtain runtime information about lookup fields present in the underlying grid data.
Before diving in the cell renderer specific stuff, I think that the PowerApps Grid control deserves a bit of attention as it will become the default experience for model-driven grids in the near future.
“This control will eventually replace all read-only and editable grids in model-driven apps.“
The PowerApps Grid control acts as a one-stop shop where you can define the behavior and the look of your apps grids. The official documentation is a great resource to get a better understanding of all the features included with the control, but here are some of my favorites.
Switch from Read-Only to Editable grid
Finish are the times when you needed to have a different controls for editable and for read-only grids. With this new control, simply configure the ‘Enable editing‘ parameter of the control at design time and it will be rendered accordingly.
Enable editing parameter
Infinite scrolling by default
One aspect that always bugged me with classic data grids within modern-driven apps is the pagination system.
Especially for grids that contains a lot of data, navigating within the grid can quickly become a tedious task. Users find themselves constantly scrolling up and down, and if they can’t locate what they need, they’re forced to click through previous and next pages.
The PowerApps Grid control have infinite scrolling enabled by default, allowing seamless navigation of lengthy records lists without context switching.
Simply toggle the ‘Enable Pagination‘ setting to ‘Yes’ to revert to the classic rendering style.
Enable pagination parameter
Enters the Cell Renderers
From a developer perspective, the PowerApps Grid control truly shines by allowing the injection of a Customizer control (or cell renderer) on top of the grid. Just enter the name of the desired cell renderer in the ‘Customizer control‘ parameter. (Format : {publisher prefix}_{namespace}.{control name})
Customizer control parameter
It gives a way to customize the look and feel of specific cells in a grid without having to recreate your own data grid custom control from scratch. This approach allows you to piggyback on the out-of-the-box control and add your own customization on top of it, giving you the best of both worlds.
I will not go in every details of the implementation of a cell customizer but here are the key points.
In the init method of the customizer PCF control, an EventName parameter will be received and will serve as a reference to the datagrid (this is supplied at runtime by the platform, you don’t need to do anything).
You then need to instantiate a PAOneGridCustomizer that will contain the business logic in the form of a cellRendererOverrides.
Bind that customizer to the grid instance (EventName) by invoking a fireEvent.
The cellRendererOverrides implementation will contain code that will fire every time a cell of the grid is rendered. The goal here is to intercept the columns of interest and carry out the desired custom rendering.
Note that every type of columns can have their own renderers so you need to define different overrides for each column types. Also, you have access to the column name so you can filter out the unwanted columns.
However, as previously mentioned, despite Cell Renderers being constructed using the PCF control framework, a notable limitation is the inability to supply any runtime parameters to a specific instance of the control, as you would with a standard PCF control. This limitation presents challenges in creating generic cell renderers that are reusable across the system.
Let’s explore ways to alleviate some of these challenges using my latest community PCF control.
The RecordImage Cell Renderer
The story behind theRecordImage Cell renderer is to leverage the use of individual record image (primary image) and showcase these images within data grids that surface these records.
Image defined in individual record
Enabling record images is a straightforward process that is often underestimated in model-driven application projects. It can introduce a layer of depth and visual appeal to your application.
To enable record image on any table, create an image column and configure the column as the Primary Image of the table.
Inside a data grid, link to records can come in two flavors, either by the primary name column or related data lookups columns contained in the view.
Images rendered in data grid by the RecordImage Cell Renderer
Under the hood of the cell customizer, whenever a cell of interest rendering is fired, a mini-React application (RecordImageCellApp) will be returned to override the out-of-the-box rendering. To ensure accurate rendering of the image, the app relies on two crucial pieces of information passed as props (parameters).
The logical name of the table (entityname)
The ID of the individual record (recordid)
Here is how I was able to retrieve them.
Get Entity Reference for Primary Name column
Since the primary name column is of type ‘Text‘, the first step is to determine if the cell that is being rendered is actually the PrimaryName column of the displayed view and skip the rendering for all other Text type columns. Fortunately the platforms gives us this information in the rendererParams object (colDefs[columnIndex].isPrimary)
Knowing that, it’s also easy to get the ID of the row’s record using the [RECID] property of the rowData object.
To get the table name, it’s a bit more tricky. First, we need to determine what is the type of grid that is being rendered. The grid can either be rendered as a main entity view or as a subgrid in a form that shows related records.
Grid rendered as main entity view
Grid rendered as a subgrid in a form
I found a way to get that information by inspecting the factory._customControlProperties.pageType that is buried inside the the context object of the PCF control. Note that the context object needs to be casted as an any because these properties are not exposed in the official type definition of the context.
(context as any).factory._customControlProperties.pageType
As seen below, the pageType value will be ‘EntityList‘ if the datagrid is rendered on a main entity view and ‘EditForm‘ when rendered as a subgrid on a form
Now depending on the pageType value the name of the table can be infered accordingly.
const entityname = pageType == 'EntityList' ?
(pcfContextService.context as any).page.entityTypeName :
(pcfContextService.context as any).factory._customControlProperties.descriptor.Parameters.TargetEntityType
Main Entity view
Subgrid on a form
Get Entity Reference for Lookup columns
The second technique I want to show is how to get the entity reference information about lookup columns referenced inside the grids underlying view.
The information about a particular lookup value (table name and id of the record) can be found in the rowData object received by the cell renderer rendererParams. The only challenge is that the property name inside the rowData object is dynamic and correspond to the name of the column inside the view.
Lookup info in rowData object
Using the  keyof typeof obj technique, we can get the lookup info (entity name and guid) by dynamically accessing the rowData object property that equals to the column name of the lookup. The code below speaks fort itself.
The table name can be derived from the lookup.etn and the record id can be found in
Get the PrimaryImage column name from Metadata
Having access to the table name either from the main table or from a a lookup, the next challenge is to get the name of the primary image column of these tables so we can retrieve the individual record images further on.
To achieve this, its a matter of making a metadata call on the table name using the getEntityMetadata function exposed by the ComponentFramework.Context object. Within the metadata call’s response, we can conveniently extract the value of the PrimaryImageAttribute, which holds the logical name of the primary image column.
primaryImageAttribute from metadata call
Get the record image
Finally, to retrieve the image data, all is needed is to make a webAPI.retrieveRecord call to query the table (entityname) and get the primaryimage attribute of the current cell record (recordid)
Given that the content of the primaryimage field is stored in base64 within the Dataverse table, the function shown below will produce a string that is appropriately formatted and suitable for injection into an HTML <img> element’s src attribute. This string will be structured as follows: data:image/jpeg;base64,{primaryimage_data}.
In my implementation I have wrapped the result of the function in a custom hook, but you can see the resulting image data being injected in a FluentUI Image object src attribute.
Clickable link
To preserve the standard functionality of Primary Name and lookup columns, it’s essential to wrap the text of the cell in a clickable link that redirects the user to the record expressed by the cell.
This can be achieve by using the ComponentFramework.Context navigation.openForm function and binding the resulting promise to the OnClick event of a link tag. Here i’m using FluentUI Link object.
As you can imagine, having code that can run on any cell of a data grid needs to execute lightning fast.
That’s why for my implementation I opt-in for a PCF Virtual control. This flavor of PCF control uses the React and Fluent provided by the PowerApps runtime and are known to be smaller in size and execute faster than regular PCF control.
Additionally, given that a substantial portion of the metadata and Dataverse WebApi calls might be the same across a grid rendering, it would be a counterproductive to re-query the same data over and over again.
For this, I’m using the awesome React Query package to graciously handle the asynchronous state management and caching of the app.
Learning how to effectively use React Query is beyond the scope of this blog post and will probably be the subject of future writings. I highly recommend that Check the source code to get a grasp of its usage.
Exploring Cell Renderers for the PowerApps Grid control has been an enjoyable learning experience. They offer unprecedented ways to enhance the user experience of data grids.
While it might take a bit of practice to master their implementation, the payoff is well worth it, as we have seen with the RecordImage Cell Renderer.
I hope that the framework will evolve overtime to remove some of the current limitation and I can’t wait to see what kind of renderers will emerge from the community.
Happy coding!
Power Apps grid control – Power Apps
A control for use with Power Apps that lets users view, open, and edit records from a view or subgrid
Customize the editable grid control – Power Apps
Learn how you can customize the editable grid control.
React controls & platform libraries (Preview) – Power Apps
You can achieve significant performance gains using React and platform libraries. When you use React and platform libraries, you are using the same infrastructure used by the Power Apps platform. This means you no longer have to package React and Fluent packages individually for each control.
Power Apps Grid Control – First Glimpse to the Cell Renderer and Editors
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A step-by-step guide on how to dynamically access an object’s property in TypeScript.
Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for TS/JS, React, Solid, Svelte and Vue
RecordImage Cell Renderer
A control (generic Cell renderer) that works in conjunction with the Power Apps Grid Control. It renders each record’s primary name with its primary image, improving visual clarity and user experience.
GitHub – drivardxrm/RecordImage.CellRenderer: Cell renderer for PowerApps Grid
Cell renderer for PowerApps Grid. Contribute to drivardxrm/RecordImage.CellRenderer development by creating an account on GitHub.
Hi, David.
I´m testing your control and this is awsome!!!. I need some changes. Could you work about? Please, write me and we will talk about details, costs included. Thanks a lot by your share knowledge
Hi, David.
I´m testing your control and this is awsome!!!. I need some changes. Could you work about? Please, write me and we will talk about details, costs included. Thanks a lot by your share knowledge