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Tag: PCF

How to Get PCF Controls Ready for Dark Mode in Model-Driven Apps

Although not officially released, there are strong signals that the support for Dark mode 🌚 is coming very soon to Power Platform Model-Driven apps. Recent investments made in the platform like the ‘New look‘ that leverages the Fluent 2 design system are paving the way to Dark Mode. πŸ”— Adapting…

Adapting PCF Controls for Model Driven apps New (Modern) Look

If you’re a user of a Power Platform’s model-driven app, you’ve likely come across the ‘Try the new look‘ switch appearing on your app header. Indeed, toggling this switch will result in the platform adopting a modern Fluent Design System (a.k.a. Fluent 2) for rendering model-driven form elements such as…

PowerApps Grid Control – How to make Cell Renderers more Generic

The Power Apps grid control is a new and improved version for the data grid control for Power Platform model-driven applications. It introduces a modern data grid user experience and a range of noteworthy features, including the ability to perform inline editing and seamless infinite scrolling of the grid records,…

PCF Control compile error : Cannot find module ‘ajv/dist/compile/codegen’

I was working on a new PCF control project and I encountered an unexpected error when attempting to build the project, even though no custom code had been added yet. (Cannot find module ajv/dist/compile/codegen) For reference, I’m using the latest version (at the time of writing) of the Microsoft Power…

The PCF Control Framework chooses Esbuild-Loader for Faster Build Time

While I was starting a new PowerApps Component Framework (PCF) project, I stumbled upon the latest release notes of the framework’s main package (pcf-scripts v1.18.4). I was stoked 🀩 to see that they improved the performance of the bundling process by switching from babel-loaderto esbuild-loader. Let’s take this opportunity to…

Storybook for PCF Controls – Part 2 : Publish to GitHub Pages

This is the second part of a series on Storybook for PowerApps Component Framework (PCF) controls, where I take one of my community PCF control hosted on Github (CountryPicker.PCF) and implement a Storybook from scratch. While the first post, revolved around the setup and authoring process of the Storybook, this…